Karla Combres, celebrant and officiant in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, joined the We Do Wedding Podcast to take us on a deep dive into meaning making and how weddings (and all big life transitions) can be transformational moments.
This was one of our deeper episodes, with topics ranging from ritual to grief to celebration, letting go to what we're saying goodbye to and opening up to what we're welcoming...it was emotional, ya'll.
Karla works with people to make meaningful ceremony for all different kinds of life moments, including weddings but also births, deaths, naming ceremonies, name change ceremonies, and more. She brought rare insight and wisdom to our conversation. This was one of our most memorable episodes to date.
For those of us interested in working with Karla outside of Canada, she does offer consulting in a variety of ways.
You can download the episode here or listen below!
Where to find her: karlacombres.com
Email: karla@karlacombres.com
Find the hosts on social:
Podcast: @weddoweddingpodcast
Regina: @weddingsbyreginamarie
Cate: @catebarryphotography